Tuesday, January 6, 2009

This is Mama, Papa, Avery and Isaac on the 700 block of 34th West Street in Baltimore, MD the night after Christmas. All the neighbors on this short block light up and decorate their row houses. If you don't mind a Christmas tree made entirely out of hubcaps and massive amounts of lawn oranaments normally seen in a trailer park or perhaps some very rural parts in the South you would think it was pretty cool!

1 comment:

Erica and Dan said...

I miss you guys so much! The boys are getting so big! You guys look like a cute little family! I can't wait to see you guys! Nursing school is tough! But I know that it'll be well worth it! I hope all is going well. Everything our way is going good! Now you have alink to my blog so you can keep up with me! I love you all and hope to see you soon! Big Hugs and kisses for everyone!