Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why are all these people staring at us and singing, and what is this new white substance Mom has given us?!

Let me think, do I like this???

Oh my gosh, I do like it. Where has this stuff been all my life?!

I can't believe they gave me sugar!! Wahoooo!!!!!

Can life get better than this?! I submit it cannot!!!

Let's all join together and sing the praise of sugar!!!!!

Okay I'll clap along but I am not sure why you are so happy...I'm the only one with cake right now and you're distracting me away from eating my sugar, I mean cake....

Sweet cake at last. Can you believe how much my Mom and Pop love me??!! They gave me sugar!!

I must figure out how to get more of this stuff they call cake!!!

Oh the sugar rush just hit me.....whew!!!

Let's see if I spread this out over there it almost looks like.....ummmmm who cares what it looks like it tastes great!!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Our first trip to the zoo

The last post by Aunt Tracy.

The boys and mom went to the National Zoo for the first time. Everyone was happy, and Mom was excited! Our entrance picture.

Here are Isaac (L) and Avery (R) ready to hit the jungle!

Of course we had to take the great photo ops!

Mom was very excited for us to see the pandas, which were actually out!

Avery is very seriously looking at those bears.

Isaac, on the other hand was more interested in the bamboo.

More photo ops. Isn't mom cute?! Jonathan loves it when Isaac wears his hat like Gilligan.

Hmmm, Lunch time! Avery loves the rice and spinach.

Isaac doesn't care for the rice, but does like to eat!

Ya know, these animals aren't so bad to sit on! But make sure we have something to protect us from the hotness!

Isaac (L), Avery (R).

We just couldn't pass up the opportunity to get inside a dinosaur!! That's Mom, of course, and Mckelle, our nanny. She really loves us. And she likes getting inside dinosaurs too!

Thank you for sharing our trip to the zoo. It was a long day, but well worth it!

Our exit pictures. You can't tell, but Isaac's head is circling around and around. LOL. Isaac is in the striped shirt (lunch mishap) and Avery is in the zoo-themed brown shirt.

For the greatest cuteness, click on our pictures to see them REALLy big!

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Boyz in the Cupboard

Enter brother Isaac. He's in his threatening cornstarch getup... Kinda like the Staypuff Marshmallow man...

Think Staypuff man...

For the best view of Isaac's frustration of lack of marshmallows, please click on the picture.

The final resolution. Scalping.

For optimum viewing of Avery's face, please click on the picture to enlarge it.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Working in the Meyers tradition

Jon and Julie's boys are learning how to earn their keep.

Here the boys are checking the faucets, to ensure there is enough water for the lawn.
Isaac left, Squeezed Avery right.

Sweet respite from the hard labor. Isaac.
Next onto the gutters. You must bang them to ensure they are clear of debris.

Hey, smell my fingers after that job!

Avery left. Isaac right.

Next onto the sprinklers. Did you know that the sprinker has a wratchet-type mechanism on it? You can see it clearly in just a minute, when I hit you in the head with it.

Avery left. Isaac right.

Another sweet respite. Avery.

What are we supposed to do with all these leaves? Oh yeah, eat them!

Isaac - grandstanding.

Yep Dad and Mom, We're hard-working guys. Lucky you have us around to keep the yard in shape. Avery -that twig was not harmed in the filming of this blog.

Isaac in his JCPenney pose.

Not a JCPenney Pose.
That's all folks!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cousins and Cars

Yes, Tracy is STILL blogging for Jon and Julie! Lucky you guys!

This weekend we went to Aunt Sarah's. She has the coolest house. Toys and more toys! Plus lots of kids to show us how to use them! Plus, if you're lucky, cousin Audrey will feed you playdough! So nice that Audrey!

Here Mom is showing Isaac a cool toy that is used in Chemistry. She said, "The balls are like molecules and the long parts are like bonds - Ionic or covalent!" Yeah, Isaac wrote that down for future reference. Isaac is thinking, "I wasn't planning on Aunt Sarah having SMART toys. Geesh!"
Then Cousin Audrey invited Avery into the "BASKET OF WONDERS!!!" Say with an echo like Aladdin.
Yep, we fit! Can you see Audrey and Avery together in the basket? Hannah is so nice to make sure it's secure on the ground. Dad released Avery soon after this picture was taken. Good thing. Aunt Tracy was too busy laughing.

So, the boys are moving onto vehicles they can actually drive. Here they are in their new coupes. Checking all the hardware. Making sure the blinkers work, and so on. Avery, the adventurer, finds that there is a door!! Isaac learns quickly. He is off to help Avery now figure out the emergency lights!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The boys are moving!

This is Tracy. Jonathan has asked me to guest blog for him, as I am taking lots of pics while I get to watch the boys for two weeks. For those of you that frequent my blog, yes, the videos are a repeat, but well worth the watch the 2nd time around! (or even the 3rd or 4th!)

When I first got to Jon and Julie's I let the boys walk by holding my fingers. Little did I know that 1. Julie wanted them to crawl (to further brain and coordination development) until they were one year old and 2. They would not let go of my fingers!

Mckelle and I took the boys to the park on my first day. Wonder of wonders it was FILLED with wheeled vehicles! Scooters, trikes, cars, lawnmowers, even a skateboard! We decided to see what these wanna-be walkers could do, minus our fingers.

Well, the pavement was WAY too slick for them. They pushed/leaned so hard on the vehicles they biffed it. Mckelle thought the grass might slow them down a bit. (Really, Avery just kept pushing until he hit the grass, and kept going.) The grass was the ticket to unblemished faces and away they went!

Isaac is in green with the coordinating tractor.

Avery is in stripes with the raucously tipped hat. Funny to see what competition does to them!

After some diversion on the swings and slides we took the boys back to the paved area. Isaac quickly ditched the tractor for a sleeker, red set of wheels! It was amazing to see how quickly they had learned how not to lean so much but really walk/run!

Next, stopping and turning!