Thursday, July 16, 2009

The boys are moving!

This is Tracy. Jonathan has asked me to guest blog for him, as I am taking lots of pics while I get to watch the boys for two weeks. For those of you that frequent my blog, yes, the videos are a repeat, but well worth the watch the 2nd time around! (or even the 3rd or 4th!)

When I first got to Jon and Julie's I let the boys walk by holding my fingers. Little did I know that 1. Julie wanted them to crawl (to further brain and coordination development) until they were one year old and 2. They would not let go of my fingers!

Mckelle and I took the boys to the park on my first day. Wonder of wonders it was FILLED with wheeled vehicles! Scooters, trikes, cars, lawnmowers, even a skateboard! We decided to see what these wanna-be walkers could do, minus our fingers.

Well, the pavement was WAY too slick for them. They pushed/leaned so hard on the vehicles they biffed it. Mckelle thought the grass might slow them down a bit. (Really, Avery just kept pushing until he hit the grass, and kept going.) The grass was the ticket to unblemished faces and away they went!

Isaac is in green with the coordinating tractor.

Avery is in stripes with the raucously tipped hat. Funny to see what competition does to them!

After some diversion on the swings and slides we took the boys back to the paved area. Isaac quickly ditched the tractor for a sleeker, red set of wheels! It was amazing to see how quickly they had learned how not to lean so much but really walk/run!

Next, stopping and turning!

1 comment:

MissManda-Mae said...

Tracy... what a good sister/auntie/nanny/sister-in-law you are!!! We love you and love those boys... WAY TO GO BOYS!!!